Small Firm. Big Ideas.
Urban Rain Design, founded in 2012, provides green infrastructure visioning, planning, and technical design assistance for communities throughout the United States and internationally. The firm has design studios in both Davis, California and Portland, Oregon and collaborates with diverse design teams to develop simple and elegant techniques to retrofit the urban fabric with sustainable stormwater management. The firm’s design philosophy is to boldly use the landscape to not only manage stormwater, but to also create successful placemaking conditions. Urban Rain Design has the unparalleled visionary and technical expertise to develop a full toolbox of green infrastructure design strategies tailored to specific local conditions. We are particularly skilled in helping clients conceptualize how to retrofit existing conditions with green infrastructure opportunities.
Urban Rain Design works with local and state agencies to help identify potential green infrastructure strategies and project site locations and provide concept drawings, schematics, cost estimates, and detailed design drawings that outline the overall feasibility of stormwater projects. These green infrastructure design strategies are well suited for ultra-urban environments where space is often limited. Ultimately, the firm aims to help cities visualize and ultimately build high-caliber green infrastructure projects with a strong degree of detail, aesthetics, and functionality. As a small design studio with a national web of green infrastructure experience, we are often invited to join large design and development teams.