Laurel Elementary Sustainable Stormwater Project
San Mateo, California
This project was completed in 2015 and funded by the City/County Association of Governments of San Mateo County in partnership with the San Mateo-Foster City School District and the City of San Mateo. The design team of Urban Rain Design and Kimley Horn and Associates transformed the existing parking lot and street frontage of the Laurel Elementary School campus into a series of green infrastructure facilities. This unique retrofit project was designed to both improve water quality and provide a much safer pedestrian, drop-off, and bike conditions for the school and overall neighborhood. A semi-circular rain garden and seating area captures a portion rooftop runoff while interior and perimeter stormwater planters in the parking lot manages building and parking lot runoff. Two street intersections now feature stormwater curb extensions that shorten crossing distance while at the same time capturing, slowing, and cleaning runoff before it enters Laurel Creek. This project is a perfect example of how to combine the benefits of green infrastructure and the Safe Routes to School Program.