Logus Road Green Street
Milwaukie, Oregon
In 2008, the City of Milwaukie, Oregon invited Kevin Robert Perry of NNA Landscape Architecture to help provide conceptual design and technical design assistance in the implementation of Milwaukie’s first “curbless” residential green street retrofit project. The Logus Road Green Street utilizes several strategies to capture, slow, filter, and infiltrate stormwater runoff including stormwater planters, stormwater curb extensions, and pervious concrete sidewalks. The most prominent feature of the green street is its narrow “green gutter” system that captures 20,000 square feet of runoff and manages it on-site using a landscaped approach. The Logus Road Green Street demonstrates how residential streets can be designed, or in this case retrofitted to provide environmental benefits through on-site stormwater management. Kevin Robert Perry provided the conceptual design, technical assistance, construction administration, and developed an operations and maintenance plan for the project.