San Pablo Avenue Green Stormwater Spine
City of Oakland, Emeryville, Berkeley, Albany, El Cerrito, Richmond, and San Pablo
The San Francisco Estuary Partnership has developed a program for implementing seven demonstration green street projects in seven different cities along 12.5 miles of the highly-used East Bay’s San Pablo Avenue corridor. Named as a “Green Stormwater Spine”, this project aims to implement bold catalyst green street projects that demonstrate a full tool box of design strategies that can be used regardless of jurisdictional boundaries. The performance goal of the stormwater project is to manage at least seven acres of runoff from the combined efforts of each city’s green street site. Each of the seven project sites is uniquely designed to showcase innovative green infrastructure techniques – many of which have never been built before. Beyond the installation of these innovative site-specific projects, the goals of this project are to help quantify the Bay Area cost and benefits of LID retrofits in the right-of-way, educate the public and local governmental decision makers about green infrastructure, demonstrate sustainability practices by using Bay-Friendly Landscape Guidelines, and provide local public works agencies the opportunity to learn best management practices for green infrastructure. Kevin Robert Perry was the lead designer for this project while working at NNA Landscape Architecture and is continuing this work through Urban Rain Design.