Social Sciences and Humanities Building Rain Garden
University of California, Davis
In 2017, the UC Davis Student Leadership in Green Infrastructure (SLGI) group completed its second successful green infrastructure retrofit on campus, this time collaborating with UC Davis Arboretum’s Learning by Leading program. Located on the south side of the Social Sciences and Humanities Building, the team led by Kevin Robert Perry's Tactical Green Infrastructure methodology, transformed a former triangular-shaped lawn area into a functional rain garden space actively capturing stormwater runoff from one of the building’s roof downspouts and adjacent sidewalk areas. The rain garden's recessed landscaped area captures stormwater runoff, allows water to filter through the garden plants and soil, creates beneficial insect and pollinator habitat, and helps recharge our groundwater supply.
This retrofit project features a curvilinear rain garden that is defined by a metal edge restraint retaining the soil grade surrounding the site’s existing tree. A new pervious paver pathway crossing the triangle area responds to the predominate pedestrian traffic flow of the site where before people would trample through worn grass.
This project was completed through the primary leadership of senior Landscape Architecture students Nicole Limesand, Roberto Hernandez, and Martin Legaspi.